BG-B Base Background

X2 Toys’ purple Decepticon-themed background has finally arrived!

2018 MP Decepticon Shelf

I’ve finally been able to put together the Masterpiece Decepticon shelf that I planned way back when the Autobot version arrived.

It also allows me to finally build the photo background concept that originally inspired the name for this blog.

JunkionHQ original photo background

So, this is the last time that you’ll see the original all-orange background. The next photo session will have a much more Junkion-style “whatever is available” look.

Destroy TCH 03

According to tweets from @JbGabrielLee and TFsource it looks like X2Toys and C+ Customs are putting together a combiner torso to replace Onslaught.

Destroy TCH 03 Teaser

The first image is a fuzzy teaser pic of the full combiner against X2Toys’ Autobot background set. It’s impossible to be 100% certain but those certainly look like the Combiner Wars/Unite Warriors limbs.

Destroy TCH 03 Render

TFsource included a render of the figure in robot and vehicle mode.

Welcome to!

Recently I’ve realized that my creative side hasn’t been getting sufficient exercise and that I need to get it back into shape. This blog will serve two purposes, to stretch my writing muscles again and to help justify my Transformers addiction.

To start my exercise I put together a review of X2Toys’ BG-A Autobot Background and posted it on the TFW2005 forums.

X2Toys' BG-A Autobot Background assembled display shelf

If you’re interested you can see some of my other writings on my personal home page If you do visit, please pardon the outdated site, a modern rebuild exercise is on my to do list.