The PS-9C covert ops pre-paint of Ocular Max’s Hellion (aka Masterpiece Cliffjumper) has arrived at Junkion HQ!
The first thing that you’ll notice is that it comes in a tiny window box.

On top has some “full color” photos and “DIECAST” in silver foil.

And, on the back is a classic G1-style tech spec.

Based off of the blind-box chase Cliffjumper keychain from 2003 this is an all-black version of Hellion. The standard red version is expected in mid July.

Despite the size of the box you get a large selection of accessories.
The Robot

I really like the fact that they didn’t go with a faux chest like X-Transbot’s Torro. For me, I’d rather have the actual vehicle parts over pure toon-accuracy.

They actually include three different weapons including the long pistol, cannon and a Jazz-style rifle.

Many people have been concerned about the waist on the figure and wondered whether the designer sacrificed the robot mode to include the vehicle interior. I found that the waist feels pretty solid and is connected to the die-cast “spine” of the figure.

And another view of the waist connection from the side.

The Porsche
Not quite a real-world Porsche 924 like the ACE or X-Transbots’ versions, but not totally a penny-racer either. All in all, an acceptable trade-off.

Hellion has a detailed interior including not just seats but a steering wheel and gear shift. You’ll need to be very careful with the steering wheel during transformation as it has a tendency to pop off.

In the TOE category, Hellion has a set of water skis, hood laser and “car bra” to protect his engine from salt water.

One thing to be aware of is that the instructions on how to put together the jet-ski mode are missing a few steps.

I had to partially transform the legs and push out the hood panel from underneath in order to change it out.

A perfect fit that hits all of my personal preferences.

Here’s where the hybrid vehicle mode becomes really obvious and out of place. Although I’ve made my peace with it based on how much I like the robot mode, I would still have preferred a more accurate Porsche.

ACE’s vehicle mode is a much better fit with the Masterpiece line than Hellion. But, since I rarely display MPs in that mode, it’s not enough to sour me on this figure.
The Conclusion
In hand the figure feels pretty good but not perfect. It has the opposite problem of Hiccups, his feet are so small that the figure wants to topple backwards when in a static standing pose. There are also a lot of very small parts (including the steering wheel that I mentioned earlier, the base boards below the doors and trigger fingers) that made me a bit nervous but they never really felt stressed so that may not have been warranted.
Now all I have to do is decide whether to display him with the shouting face beside my G2 Masterpiece figures or just in vehicle mode with the doors open.
UPDATE: Extendable Neck
Over on TFW2005, a board member was asking about about how the neck looked too long in some photos so I took some photos to show off the articulated arm that the head is mounted on.
Here’s the normal view:

Here he is with his neck fully extended:

And a close-up of the arm with the head removed:

* “That One Episode” – the obligatory Masterpiece accessory that the character used once in the cartoon.