New Age Core Scenery Set B
The second set of New Age’s display accessory line is here.
The Box
Like Set A, this comes in a very plain box.

Inside the box are the “Marble Throne” and the “Wicked Throne”. Like Set A, unpack this in a room you are about to vacuum because it will leave Styrofoam beads everywhere.

The Marble Throne
The good: the marbling effect looks great.

The bad: the scale doesn’t seem quite right for the Legendary Heroes line.

The seat of the throne leaves Agamenmnon’s feet hanging like a child’s.

The figure also cannot sit against the back of the throne.

The Wicked Throne
This is the throne that I was excited about sadly, although a little better, it doesn’t seem to quite fit with the figures.

Just like the marble throne, Agamenmnon doesn’t really fit the seat.

The Conclusion
Sadly, this set doesn’t really work for me so I cannot recommend it to accompany the Legendary Heroes line.
Get yours where I get mine: Show.Z Store – Tyrant Throne and Lincoln’s Ceremonial Chair