The second set of New Age’s display accessory line is here.

The Box

Like Set A, this comes in a very plain box.

Core Scenery B box

Inside the box are the “Marble Throne” and the “Wicked Throne”. Like Set A, unpack this in a room you are about to vacuum because it will leave Styrofoam beads everywhere.

Core Scenery B box contents

The Marble Throne

The good: the marbling effect looks great.

Core Scenery B Mable Throne
Core Scenery B Mable Throne side view
Core Scenery B Mable Throne back view

The bad: the scale doesn’t seem quite right for the Legendary Heroes line.

Core Scenery B Agamenmnon in the Mable Throne

The seat of the throne leaves Agamenmnon’s feet hanging like a child’s.

Core Scenery B Agamenmnon in the Mable Throne side view

The figure also cannot sit against the back of the throne.

Core Scenery B Agamenmnon in the Mable Throne angled view

The Wicked Throne

This is the throne that I was excited about sadly, although a little better, it doesn’t seem to quite fit with the figures.

Core Scenery B Wicked Throne
Core Scenery B Wicked Throne side
Core Scenery B Wicked Throne back

Just like the marble throne, Agamenmnon doesn’t really fit the seat.

Core Scenery B Agamenmnon in the Wicked Throne
Core Scenery B Agamenmnon in the Wicked Throne side view

The Conclusion

Sadly, this set doesn’t really work for me so I cannot recommend it to accompany the Legendary Heroes line.

Get yours where I get mine: Show.Z Store – Tyrant Throne and Lincoln’s Ceremonial Chair

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