New Age H2V G2 Manero
The first of the new Maneros (Manerii?) has arrived at JunkionHQ!
The Box
Originally announced as H2V, G2 Manero’s packaging is labeled 02G, which was already used for Capoeira. Because of this, I’m sticking with the original numbering for this post and my unofficial catalog.

Inside the box, you find the expected Manero accessories as well as two of the missile launcher from Harry in G2-inspired blue and green.

The Robot
The first thing that you’ll notice about the robot mode is that it doesn’t look like the box art. On the box we can see the entire musical note from the hood on the robot’s chest. On the toy, we can only see the bottom of the note which is rather odd. I thought at first that they were trying to replicate the exact layout found on G2 Jazz, it’s further forward on the hood there, more like the box art.

I don’t think Harry’s missile launchers really work here since the hollow “bottom” is exposed when mounted on Manero’s shoulder. It also doesn’t look anything like the launcher that came with G1 toy or even the G1 version.

The Porsche
I’m still surprised that they included the “Jazz” details on the windshield and spoiler. I’m guessing that, since Hasbro no longer owns the trademark (they have to use “Autobot Jazz” now themselves), they felt safe enough. The result, however, is a fantastic and complete tribute to the G2 toy.

The Comparisons
In robot mode the G2 version, paradoxically, comes off as pretty plain.

Vehicle mode is where the G2 markings become obvious and this release starts to stand on its own.

Here’s a shot of the missile launchers beside Harry’s, no changes except for the paint job.

The Conclusion
A nice release, especially for those of us who remember the G2 toy line, but it’s certainly not for everyone. For now it will be displayed with the other odd-ball releases from this line.

Get yours where I got mine: Show.Z Store – New Age H2V G2 Manero