New Age H10, H11, H12 Psi Commando Set

New Age H10, H11, H12 Psi Commando Set

New Age Toy’s first G1-styled not-Decepticons have arrived!

The Box

Abadon, Berial and Asmodeus are bundled together in a box reminiscent of the original G1 packaging featuring the slogan “Psychic ready. My Command is your wish!”

Psi Commandos box
Bugs not sold separately!
Psi Commandos box back

The top and side of the box labels them as “Psi Commando” Abadon, Berial and Asmodeus.

Psi Commandos box top

Inside the box are the three bugs, each with a weapon and an Energon cube, and a large instruction sheet.

Psi Commandos box contents

Unfortunately, possibly due to the plastic being used, every Energon Cube has a large flaw along one side.

Psi Commando Energon Cube

H10 Abadon

Abadaon, was always most likely to be my favorite from this set. Kickback was the only Insecticon that I owned the first time around so it holds a special place for me. However, even if that wasn’t the case, this would still be my favorite Psi Commando!

Abadon robot mode
Abadon robot mode side
Abadon robot mode back
Abadon face
Abadon rifle

Like the G1 version, Abadon’s chest opens

Abadon robot mode chest open

Unlike the G1 version, Abadon’s insect fore-legs are stored within the chest cavity.

Abadon robot mode back open

One of my favorite parts of the transformation is how the shoulders lock into the wings for robot mode.

Abadon robot mode shoulder

The robot arms form an abdomen for a more accurate grasshopper mode.

Abadon insect mode

H11 Berial

Berial, aka Shrapnel, is my second favorite from this set, the biggest “flaw” is that the insect legs stick out of the robot back. I’m happy to overlook that considering how great the rest of the figure is.

Berial robot mode
Berial robot mode side
Berial robot mode back
Berial face
Berial rifle

Like the G1 version, Berial’s chest opens.

Berial robot mode chest open

When transforming to stag beetle mode, the fists lock into the legs for stabilization.

Berial bug mode fists
Berial insect mode

H11 Asmodeus

Asmodeus, aka Bombshell, has one flaw in robot mode, no ankle tilt like the rest of the set. This is necessitated by the transformation mechanics and it’s certainly not a fatal flaw.

Asmodeus robot mode
Asmodeus robot mode side
Asmodeus robot mode back
Asmodeus face

Bombshell’s “Twin Ion Impulse Blaster” from G1 is absent, replaced by a larger version of the rhinoceros beetle horn which makes his insect mode toy accurate and his robot mode anime accurate.

Asmodeus rifle

Like the G1 version, Asmodeus’s chest opens but, due to the transformation mechanics, the head is attached so it has a very different effect.

Asmodeus robot mode chest open

When transforming to rhinoceros beetle mode, the fists lock into the legs for better stabilization.

Asmodeus bug mode fists
Asmodeus insect mode

The Comparisons

I was never fully satisfied with the Legend Class Insecticons. Being released in three separate lines the colors don’t match.

Abadon with Kickback
Berial and Skrapnel
Asmodeus and Bombshell

The only Legend Class Insecticon that almost fits with these is Chop Shop who, as a Deluxe Insecticon stands a little taller.

Psi Commandos and Chop Shop

The Conclusion

I can’t recommend this set enough, the figures are super fun and, despite their size, come very close to Manero, their best figure to date.

And they’re not done yet! There are at least two more versions of the Psi Commandos on the way (anime repaints and the translucent version) with rumors of a Diaclone repaint to follow.

Psi Commandos insect mode

Get yours where I got mine: Show.Z Store – New Age H10, H11, H12

X-Transbots MM-VIII Arkose

The 2019 version of Arkose comes in two versions, one for each generation:

Arkose boxes

Supposedly, the 2019 version includes several updates:

  • Easier transformation, including a higher roll-cage
  • Shortened heel spurs
  • Fully metallic paint
  • Stronger tabs to eliminate stress marks

I don’t have the original so I cannot verify any of these.

The Box

Arkose box back

One confusing thing is that the back of the box for the G1 version shows the G2 version and vice versa. I suspect that this is why I originally received two G1 versions instead of one of each.

Arkose G2 box back

The Figure

The figure looks dead on although the shoulders do not lock into place well and are constantly sliding up.

G2 Arkose

The Dune Buggy

Unlike other MP Beachcombers, Arkose transforms into an accurate Chenowth type fast attack vehicle, which is a big plus for me.

Arkose vehicle mode
Arkose vehicle mode side

There are some surprising details in vehicle mode like the first aid kits on the back of the seats.

Arkose first aid kit
Arkose dashboard
Arkose engine
Arkose distributer cap

The dune buggy looks great, but the transformation is not fun. Also, I hate the roll cage, which is just a series of tubes that hold together by friction and fall apart as soon as you being the transformation.

Arkose roll cage

The Masterpiece

Arkose fits in perfectly with other Masterpiece-class figures.

Arkose Masterpiece

The Conclusion

Although this figure looks great, for me, the play-ability is very low. Like their Ollie, it will remain on the shelf in robot mode.

Arkose TOE

Get yours where I got mine: Show.Z Store

* That One Episode” – the obligatory accessory that the character used once in the cartoon.

New Age H8 Miller

New Age H8 Miller

New Age Toy’s Miller (aka Gi Ratchet) has arrived. They’ve released so many figures in such a short amount of time it’s been hard keeping up! McCoy and the Insecticons are already in the mail with Riddick and the anime-Insecticons ready to ship.

The Box

Miller box
Miller box back

Inside the box, you get two extra sets of hands, a Marvel Comics-inspired red helmeted head, welder hand, a rifle and, unexpectedly, Ironhide’s liquid nitrogen dispenser attachment.

Miller box contents

The Robot

The robot mode looks pretty good but it’s not without issues.

Miller robot mode

For many people, the visible pins in the legs will be enough to ruin the figure. For me I don’t mind too much although I do with they had been capped or painted, perhaps they will be in an H8EX release.

Miller robot mode
Miller robot mode

The big issue for me is the fact that the chest and shoulders do not lock into place. The shoulders tend to wander a bit whenever you move the arms.

Miller unlocked chest

I didn’t expect to like the Marvel Comics head but it makes a nice contrast to the all-white robot mode and I plan to keep it installed.

Miller Marvel head

The Vannette

The vehicle mode is very true to the source however you do need to be careful to keep the panels properly aligned to minimize gaps.

Miller vehicle mode

The Name

According to speculation by Autobrat Leader, TFW2005 boards Miller is named after an emergency vehicle company called McCoy Miller.

The Conclusion

Overall this is a great toy with a surprisingly complex transformation for a toy on this scale.

Miller accessorized

Get yours where I got mine: Show.Z Store – New Age H8 Miller

New Age H2EX Martini Manero

New Age H2EX Martini Manero

The hyper-detailed Martini Manero from New Age Toys has arrived at JunkionHQ!

The Box

Originally announced as H2EX, Martini Manero’s packaging is labeled 02M. Like with G2 Manero, I’m sticking with the original numbering for this post and my unofficial catalog.

Manero EX box
Manero EX box back

Inside the box you get all the same accessories that came with the original version.

Manero EX box contents

The Robot

Like the original release, the robot mode is clever and fun, the best we’ve seen in this line so far, now with beautiful details.

Manero EX robot mode
Manero EX robot mode
Manero EX robot mode

They even painted the tiny little details on Manero’s chest.

Maneros robot mode chest details

The Porsche

Here’s where the new details really shine, it truly looks like a shrunken down version of the original toy.

Manero EX vehicle mode
(Autobot symbol sold separately)
Maneros vehicle mode side details
Maneros vehicle mode hood details
Maneros vehicle mode windshield details
Maneros vehicle mode spoiler details
Maneros vehicle mode spoiler details

The Comparisons

Here are all four Maneros side by side:

Maneros robot mode
Maneros robot mode
Maneros robot mode back
Maneros vehicle mode

The Conclusion

The Legendary Heroes line is occasionally referred to as “mini-Masterpieces” and, for me, this release fits that description perfectly. My perfect Masterpiece is an accurate real-world vehicle mode, like Diaclone, paired with a robot mode that strikes a balance between the cartoon and the original toy.

Stacked Masterpieces
A tiny masterpiece indeed!

Get yours where I got mine: Show.Z Store – New Age H2EX Manero

New Age H2V G2 Manero

New Age H2V G2 Manero

The first of the new Maneros (Manerii?) has arrived at JunkionHQ!

The Box

Originally announced as H2V, G2 Manero’s packaging is labeled 02G, which was already used for Capoeira. Because of this, I’m sticking with the original numbering for this post and my unofficial catalog.

G2 Manero box
G2 Manero box back

Inside the box, you find the expected Manero accessories as well as two of the missile launcher from Harry in G2-inspired blue and green.

G2 Manero box contents

The Robot

The first thing that you’ll notice about the robot mode is that it doesn’t look like the box art. On the box we can see the entire musical note from the hood on the robot’s chest. On the toy, we can only see the bottom of the note which is rather odd. I thought at first that they were trying to replicate the exact layout found on G2 Jazz, it’s further forward on the hood there, more like the box art.

G2 Manero robot mode
G2 Manero robot mode side
G2 Manero robot mode back

I don’t think Harry’s missile launchers really work here since the hollow “bottom” is exposed when mounted on Manero’s shoulder. It also doesn’t look anything like the launcher that came with G1 toy or even the G1 version.

G2 Manero robot mode launcher

The Porsche

I’m still surprised that they included the “Jazz” details on the windshield and spoiler. I’m guessing that, since Hasbro no longer owns the trademark (they have to use “Autobot Jazz” now themselves), they felt safe enough. The result, however, is a fantastic and complete tribute to the G2 toy.

G2 Manero vehicle mode
G2 Manero vehicle mode

The Comparisons

In robot mode the G2 version, paradoxically, comes off as pretty plain.

Manero robot mode comparison
Manero robot mode comparison
Manero robot mode comparison

Vehicle mode is where the G2 markings become obvious and this release starts to stand on its own.

Manero vehicle mode comparison

Here’s a shot of the missile launchers beside Harry’s, no changes except for the paint job.

G2 Manero vs Harry missile launchers

The Conclusion

A nice release, especially for those of us who remember the G2 toy line, but it’s certainly not for everyone. For now it will be displayed with the other odd-ball releases from this line.

G2 Manero robot mode armed

Get yours where I got mine: Show.Z Store – New Age H2V G2 Manero

New Age H2PT Cyclops

New Age H2PT Cyclops

Translucent Multiverse Cyclops has arrived at JunkionHQ!

The Box

Another G1-inspired grid, this time with an artist’s rendition of the figure inside.

Cyclops clear box
Cyclops clear box back

Just like the previous Cyclops, all you get inside the box is the figure and instructions sheet.

Cyclops clear box contents

New Age originally solicited this release as H02PT Vizla, but the name was dropped for the official release. This is doubly odd when you consider that the translucent Manero announced at the same time retained it’s dedicated Kagemusha naming.

The Robot

No surprises here except that, with the translucent plastic the color darkens to a deeper purple that is a better fit for the character.

Cyclops clear robot mode
Cyclops clear robot mode side
Cyclops clear robot mode back

The Porsche

Unlike Kagemusha, the vehicle mode doesn’t suffer quite as bad from the visible panel lines and hinges. Again, the deeper purple has improved the look.

Cyclops clear vehicle mode

The Comparisons

With the original Cyclops:

Cyclops clear robot mode comparison
Cyclops clear robot mode comparison side
Cyclops clear robot mode comparison back

The Conclusion

The color alone might be enough to convince some to pick this up over the original release.

Cyclopses - after image
There’s an after-image in the image we’re receiving…

Get yours where I got mine: Show.Z Store – New Age H2PT Cyclops

New Age H4G Black Rain

New Age H4G Black Rain

The torrent continues: another New Age release has arrived!

The Box

The box is similar to the G1-inspired boxes but with an all-black background.

Black Rain box
Black Rain box back

Inside the box you get the standard instructions, a rifle and two missile launchers.

Black Rain box contents

The Robot

No changes from Murphy here except for the silver paint job which is limited to just the external body panels of the vehicle mode.

Black Rain robot mode
Black Rain robot mode side
Black Rain robot mode back

The Datsun

Again, no changes here besides the, very nice, shiny new paint job. Looking at this makes me long for a re-release of Gremlin with a proper gold paint-job.

Black Rain vehicle mode

The Comparisons

Here’s Maverick, Black Rain and Kitt side-by-side:

Black Rain comparisons robot
Black Rain comparisons robot side
Black Rain comparisons robot back
Black Rain comparisons robot back

The Name

The name appears to come from the movie Black Rain released in 1989.

The Conclusion

For G1 fans, this is your toy-inspired Bluestreak!

Black Rain comparisons robot back
Choose your own Bluestreak!

Get yours where I got mine: Show.Z Store – New Age H4G Black Rain

New Age H3B Kitt

New Age H3B Kitt

Another day, another Datsun: New Age Toys’ Diaclone No. 7 Fairlady Z blue version inspired Kitt has arrived.

The Box

Th box is very similar to Maverick‘s with a very strong 1970’s feel that replacing the racing flag pattern with a sea green background and removing the Ark Warrior badge. Unlike the rest of the Bluestreak-inspired releases which were numbered H4_, Kitt has been added to Harry‘s numbering scheme: H3B.

Kitt box
Kitt box back

Like the rest of the Datsuns this includes the rifle and two of the same missile launchers that came with Harry for a more toy-inspired look.

Kitt box contents

The Robot

No changes from Murphy except for the blue. I was a little concerned by some of the early photos of this figure that the shade of blue would be overwhelming but, in hand, it looks fine.

Kitt robot mode
Kitt robot mode side
Kitt robot mode back

The Datsun

Again, no changes here besides the blue paint job.

Kitt vehicle mode

The Comparisons

To really show off the blue, here’s Kitt with Maverick.

Kitt and Black Rain robot mode
Kitt and Black Rain robot mode side
Kitt and Black Rain robot mode

The Name

With the double T, this is clearly a reference to the Knight Industries Two Thousand (aka KITT) from Knight Rider (1982)

The Conclusion

There is now a Bluestreak for everyone; animation, toy or Diaclone. I have no doubt that there will be clear versions in the near future for those of you that just need more Datsuns.

Kitt robot mode armed

Get yours where I got mine: Show.Z Store – New Age H3B Kitt

New Age H2T Kagemusha

New Age H2T Kagemusha

The ghost of Manero has arrived at JunkionHQ!

The Box

The box is a ghostly blue, reminiscent of the packaging for e-HOBBY’s clear release Binaltech Rijie (aka Mirage).

Kagamusha box
Kagamusha box back

Inside the box are translucent versions of all of the accessories that came with the original Manero.

Kagamusha box contents

The Robot

The translucent plastic looks pretty good in robot mode.

Kagamusha robot mode
Kagamusha robot mode side
Kagamusha robot mode back

The Porsche

Vehicle mode, however suffers from the translucent plastic due to all of the, now extremely visible, panel lines and hinges.

Kagamusha vehicle mode

The Name

Unlike his release-mate, Kagemusha retained the name he was originally solicited with which appears to come from a movie released in 1980: Kagemusha.

The Comparisons

With the original Manero:

Kagamusha with Manero robot mode
Kagamusha with Manero robot mode
Kagamusha with Manero robot mode
Kagamusha with Manero vehicle mode

The Conclusion

The Manero mold is the best one that New Age Toys has released so far.

Kagamusha fully accessorized

Get yours where I got mine: Show.Z Store – New Age H2T Kagemusha