New Age Toy’s first G1-styled not-Decepticons have arrived!
The Box
Abadon, Berial and Asmodeus are bundled together in a box reminiscent of the original G1 packaging featuring the slogan “Psychic ready. My Command is your wish!”

The top and side of the box labels them as “Psi Commando” Abadon, Berial and Asmodeus.

Inside the box are the three bugs, each with a weapon and an Energon cube, and a large instruction sheet.

Unfortunately, possibly due to the plastic being used, every Energon Cube has a large flaw along one side.

H10 Abadon
Abadaon, was always most likely to be my favorite from this set. Kickback was the only Insecticon that I owned the first time around so it holds a special place for me. However, even if that wasn’t the case, this would still be my favorite Psi Commando!

Like the G1 version, Abadon’s chest opens

Unlike the G1 version, Abadon’s insect fore-legs are stored within the chest cavity.

One of my favorite parts of the transformation is how the shoulders lock into the wings for robot mode.

The robot arms form an abdomen for a more accurate grasshopper mode.

H11 Berial
Berial, aka Shrapnel, is my second favorite from this set, the biggest “flaw” is that the insect legs stick out of the robot back. I’m happy to overlook that considering how great the rest of the figure is.

Like the G1 version, Berial’s chest opens.

When transforming to stag beetle mode, the fists lock into the legs for stabilization.

H11 Asmodeus
Asmodeus, aka Bombshell, has one flaw in robot mode, no ankle tilt like the rest of the set. This is necessitated by the transformation mechanics and it’s certainly not a fatal flaw.

Bombshell’s “Twin Ion Impulse Blaster” from G1 is absent, replaced by a larger version of the rhinoceros beetle horn which makes his insect mode toy accurate and his robot mode anime accurate.

Like the G1 version, Asmodeus’s chest opens but, due to the transformation mechanics, the head is attached so it has a very different effect.

When transforming to rhinoceros beetle mode, the fists lock into the legs for better stabilization.

The Comparisons
I was never fully satisfied with the Legend Class Insecticons. Being released in three separate lines the colors don’t match.

The only Legend Class Insecticon that almost fits with these is Chop Shop who, as a Deluxe Insecticon stands a little taller.

The Conclusion
I can’t recommend this set enough, the figures are super fun and, despite their size, come very close to Manero, their best figure to date.
And they’re not done yet! There are at least two more versions of the Psi Commandos on the way (anime repaints and the translucent version) with rumors of a Diaclone repaint to follow.

Get yours where I got mine: Show.Z Store – New Age H10, H11, H12