New Age H5 Maverick

It’s been a busy time for New Age with seven retail releases and a giveaway all in the space of a month. Maverick (aka G1 Smokescreen) is release number six.

The Box

The box is inspired by the Diaclone No. 11 Fairlady Z Racing Type 280 ZX Turbo packaging but with a much heavier usage of the racing flag pattern. It also features the return of the Ark Warrior branding last seen on Harry’s packaging.

Maverick box
Maverick box back

In the box you get a rifle, two shoulder cannons and the same instruction sheet that came with Harry.

Maverick box contents

The Robot

The robot mode gets an animation accurate head, front bumper extension and shoulder wheels.

Maverick robot mode
Maverick robot mode side view
Maverick robot mode back view
Maverick robot mode shoulder

Although I applaud the accuracy and love the look, the shoulder wheels do limit articulation. Since the top of the ball joint is now covered, the arms cannot be posed straight out to the side without rotating the hood piece up and nearly hitting the side of the head with the tire.

Maverick robot mode shoulder articulation

In some early photos it appeared that Maverick’s head had a flat back, which is almost true. To match the cartoon design, the head is very tall and pill-shaped.

Maverick head side view

To complete the cartoon look are Smokescreen’s iconic shoulder cannons.

Maverick shoulder cannons

The Datsun

This is a very fun vehicle mode, with a lot of strong colors and great details. The only thing missing is the rear spoiler which, admittedly, would probably have interfered with the transformation.

Maverick vehicle mode
Maverick vehicle mode front bumper
Maverick vehicle mode door
The rough edges are only noticeable in these close-ups, in hand it looks great.
Maverick vehicle mode wipers

Due to the extra hinge in the arms, Maverick’s head needs to be tilted down below the rest of the undercarriage in order to get the hood transformed correctly. This is certainly a bot who must hate speed bumps!

Maverick vehicle mode head placement

The Comparisons

When side-by-side with Harry you can see all of the mold changes that help set Maverick apart.

Maverick and Harry robot mode
Maverick and Harry vehicle mode

To further demonstrate the shoulder articulation issue mentioned above:

Maverick and Harry shoulder articulation

The Name

New Age has shown a fondness for media references in their release names. I wasn’t able to figure this one out myself but there are two theories over on TFW2005:,

I’m leaning towards the TV show idea, it’s a much better fit.

The Conclusion

With Murphy (anime Bluestreak) being delivered, Kitt (Diaclone blue Bluestreak) and Alonzo (G1-ized movie Barricade) shipped from the factory we’re only one Datsun away from the complete set!

Maverick and Harry robot mode

Get yours where I got mine: Show.Z Store – New Age H5 Maverick

Releases in Fast Forward

We’re rapidly running out of announced figures! Will New Age wait until December to show off their next batch of releases or will we see some new molds after the vans come out? Here’s what we know:

Pending Releases

  • H4 Murphy: in the mail
  • H3B Kitt and H5B Alonzo: shipped from the factory
  • H4G Black Rain: expected in June
  • H7 McCoy and H8 Miller: expected by the end of August
  • H2PT Vizla and H2P Kagemusha: expected by the end of the year
  • H9 Agamenmnon: no release date or pre-orders yet – we haven’t even seen renders of the final colors, only the grey prototype shown back in December

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