New Age H1K Critter

New Age H1K Critter

After receiving Harry and pre-ordering the Path Finder-inspired H6B Max V2 I decided that I needed Critter as part of a New Age GoBots collection.

Critter is inspired by the version of Bug Bite that was included in the Botcon 2007 box set.

The Box

Critter’s box is based on the Generation 1 Decepticon packaging.

Critter box
Critter box back

In the box is the pistol (in silver this time!), jet pack (identical to Gremlin‘s) and instruction sheet.

Critter box contents

The molded details on the pistol are much easier to see in silver.

Critter pistol

The Robot

While I broke out the macro lens for Flipper, I never photographed alternate views of the robot mode.

Critter robot mode
Critter robot mode side
Robot mode with no kibble, so passe.
Critter robot mode back

A better job on the details than my copy of Flipper.

Critter face

According to Ben Yee, Lanny Lathem intended the tattoo as “a highly stylized version of the Decepticon insignia.”

Critter tatoo
Critter foot
Critter fist

The Volkswagen Bug

Like Flipper, Critter’s black shoulders stand out in vehicle mode but, with the black windows, they don’t clash as badly.

Critter vehicle mode

360 Degree Turnaround

New Age H1 Flipper

New Age H1 Flipper

Ok I admit it: after receiving Harry, I’ve become a bit obsessed with New Age‘s Legendary Heroes line!

Although Flipper was my first New Age product I never had a chance to review it before Gremlin arrived so I’ve decided to correct that error.

The Box

The box is based on the packaging for Microchange (the source of the original Bumblebee mold) which is a nice tribute.

Flipper in box
Flipper box back

Unlike every other version of this mold (including the exclusive clear version) Flipper only includes the pistol and instructions there’s no jet pack here.

Flipper box contents
(Autobot symbol sold separately)

Just like the main figure, there are a lot of details on the tiny little pistol

Flipper pistol

The Robot

Flipper robot mode
(Autobot symbol sold separately)

The paint on my version isn’t great in this close-up but It’s not noticeable normally. Even with the flaws the sculpt is still impressive.

Flipper face

The Volkswagen Bug

The biggest flaw in the vehicle mode is that the black shoulders are extremely obvious and break up the door panels.

Flipper vehicle mode
(Autobot symbol sold separately)
Flipper vehicle mode rear view
(Autobot symbol sold separately)

Even though they don’t spin, the wheels are fully painted.

Flipper vehicle mode wheel

360 Degree Turnaround

New Age H3 Harry

New Age H3 Harry

Harry (aka Prowl and, presumably, “Clean” Harry), the newest release from New Age‘s new legends-scaled line has arrived at Junkion HQ!

The Box

Harry comes in a Diaclone-inspired window box.

Harry box

Apparently the Autobot car-inspired releases are Ark Warriors while the mini-bot-inspired releases are Mini Warriors. Harry is also labeled as Alliance Military Strategist which is a designation the Mini Warriors lack.

Harry box back

In the box you get a rifle, two missile launchers and instructions.

Harry box contents

The Robot

One thing I really like about New Age’s products is that they feel very sturdy in hand which encourages you to spend time with them. I have plenty of third party products that are larger and more expensive that are both more fragile and less fun.

Harry robot mode

Harry is extremely well articulated! In addition to ball joints in the arms and hips, Harry also has thigh swivels and ankle tilts.

Harry articulation

New Age also didn’t skimp on the details, here’s a close-up of the amazing head sculpt.

Harry head

And the tiny details on the robot’s waist.

Harry robot mode waist

And now, fully armed!

Harry robot mode armed

The Fairlady Z

The biggest change with Harry is that, unlike Flipper, the wheels actually spin!

Harry vehicle mode

There are just so many details for such a small vehicle that I wanted to spend some extra time with the macro lens to really capture them all:

Harry front bumper
Hood logo and turn signals
Harry headlight
Head light
Harry vehicle mode windshield wipers
Windshield wipers
Harry door symbol
Door badge
Harry vehicle mode wheel
Fully painted rolling tires!
Harry tail lights
Tail lights

I’m amazed by the paint apps on this figure!

The Comparisons

Looking at Harry and Flipper in robot mode really shows off how much detail they put into this release.

Harry with Flipper
(Autobot symbols sold separately)

The vehicle mode continues the trend making Flipper (who really is a nicely painted figure) look plain by comparison.

Harry with Flipper vehicle mode
(Autobot symbols sold separately)

To give a better sense of scale, here’s Harry with Masterpiece Prowl.

Harry with Masterpiece Prowl
(Autobot symbols sold separately)

The Rest of the Legendary Warriors

At the 2018 Shanghai Wire Factory (SGC) show, New Age showed off sixteen different figures!

New Age Legendary Heroes Teaser
New Age’s Legendary Heroes line as shown at SGC 2018 (photo by Chicken Fritters on Weibo)

Heaven knows how long it will take to get all of these released but here is the full line up:

* I’m not actually sure which one is H2C and which one is H2W – I’m just guessing that W is for ShockWave. Corrected after TFcon 2019
** More guesswork: McCoy just seems to fit Ironhide better. Confirmed, TFcon 2019
Check out ‎Daniel Bellido‎’s gallery of the event!

It’s unlikely, but I’m hoping that H10 ends up being their version of Optimus Prime for the MP-10 nomenclature symmetry.

The only disappointment that I can come up with for this line is that, by what we’ve seen for the pre-orders, it looks like they’re not giving the Max repaints unique names like they did with Gremlin and Critter. If that’s the worse thing that they do I’ll be very, very happy.

The Conclusion

I’ve never been a Legends-scale collector but I am now certainly a New Age collector. This line is just pure fun! Transforming them is a joy despite their diminutive size. I am really looking forward to their upcoming version of Cosmos and hope to hear more about their other releases very soon!

Harry with Flipper and Gremlin
(Autobot symbols sold separately)

360 Degree Turnaround

X-Transbots MM-VI Boost (Toon V2)

My final 1984 Masterpiece mini-bot, Boost (aka Windcharger) has arrived at Junkion HQ!

The Box

The box featured a nice illustration of the figure in robot mode on the front and G1-style tech specs on the back.

Boost box

Unfortunately, they sealed the box with large “X-Transbots” decals that cover the edges of the tech specs.

Boost box back

In the box you’ll find a pistol, tractor beam attachment, toy visor with compatible head piece, trading card and instructions book.

Boost box contents

Another cool thing about the box is that it was designed to be displayed along side the box for mold-mate Hatch. The front of the box is actually a single illustration of both figures and the back shares a line drawing of the robot mode.

Boost and Hatch boxes
Boost and Hatch boxes back

The Robot

Boost robot mode

The robot mode looks great but the transformation has a lot of steps that require parts to be precisely positioned. When transforming the arms you can’t just fold out the hands, you have to manipulate the hand around a raised edge on the forearm starting with the thumb then spinning it so that the palm clears the edge. The feet are an even more awkward with multiple parts that have to be positioned just right before everything can be rotated into place. I’m not sure I’ve managed to do it in the correct sequence yet, I usually just fiddle with it until the pieces finally fall into place.

Boost tractor beam
Boost with his TOE* tractor beam from The Ultimate Doom.

The Trans-Am

Windcharger’s G1 vehicle mode was not nearly as deformed as Cliffjumper‘s or even Bumblebee‘s retaining a similar basic shape as a classic Trans-Am so it is much less of change to see such a realistic vehicle mode.

Boost vehicle mode

One thing I always appreciate is having a place to store weapons while in vehicle mode. Boost can not only store his pistol but also his tractor beam between the rear wheels.

Boost vehicle mode weapon storage

The Masterpiece

X-Transbots did a good job matching Boost with MP-21, on display they certainly look like they are from the same line.

Boost with Bumblebee robot mode
(Autobot symbol sold separately)

In vehicle mode, Boost fits right in too.

Boost with Bumblebee vehicle mode
(Autobot symbol sold separately)

The Conclusion

I ordered this set as soon as the pre-order appeared in June 2018, long before I even knew there would be multiple versions. As it turns out, I got the one I would have picked anyways! The chrome legs on the other two versions wouldn’t really fit with the rest of my Masterpiece collection.

Boost with Bumblebee robot mode
(Autobot symbol sold separately)

* That One Episode” – the obligatory accessory that the character used once in the cartoon.