Power of the Primes Grimlock

The Dinobot leader has arrived at Junkion HQ!

The Card

My version of Grimlock came with a card for the Liege Maximo combination.

Grimlock card back

I suspect that those “truths” are all the same – “Me Grimlock smash”.

The Dinosaur

The weakest mode is the dinosaur who has far more “junk in the trunk” than previous releases. The top half is extremely accurate and has a great look and feel that screams Grimlock. The lower half however looks like he stomped through some poison ivy and is a bit swollen. Still a fun figure but the proportions seem a little off.

The Robot

Grimlock robot mode

The robot mode is a lot of fun and is, without question, G1 Grimlock. The weakest element is probably the chest which, due to the transformation, is split down the front which can leave a gap if you’re not careful.

The Combiner

In this line Grimlock is not only the leader of the Dinobots but also the torso of their combined form Volcanicus. I can’t wait until the last two Dinobots are released so that I can fully build this out.

Armless Volcanicus

Sadly, my Volcanicus is totally armless.


Grimlock joins Slash, Swoop and Slug in my PotP Dinobot collection.

Dinobots to date

The Dinobot swarm continues to grow.

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