My version of Grimlock came with a card for the Liege Maximo combination.
I suspect that those “truths” are all the same – “Me Grimlock smash”.
The Dinosaur
The weakest mode is the dinosaur who has far more “junk in the trunk” than previous releases. The top half is extremely accurate and has a great look and feel that screams Grimlock. The lower half however looks like he stomped through some poison ivy and is a bit swollen. Still a fun figure but the proportions seem a little off.
The Robot
The robot mode is a lot of fun and is, without question, G1 Grimlock. The weakest element is probably the chest which, due to the transformation, is split down the front which can leave a gap if you’re not careful.
The Combiner
In this line Grimlock is not only the leader of the Dinobots but also the torso of their combined form Volcanicus. I can’t wait until the last two Dinobots are released so that I can fully build this out.
Sadly, my Volcanicus is totally armless.
Grimlock joins Slash, Swoop and Slug in my PotP Dinobot collection.
My version of Starsream came with a card for the Onyx Prime combination. The power of “the patience of a vulture” seems incredibly appropriate for Starscream.
The Jet
Sadly the jet is disappointing and easily the weakest mode. The decals on the wings are as poor as expected and give it a cheap feel. Also, there is no good way to get the feet out of the way so it tilts forward awkwardly.
The Robot
My initial impression of Starscream was that it was a Popeye version but in hand I get a more Robot Heroes feel. All it needs is an oversized head to complete the impression. Passable but certainly not a replacement for the original Classics update.
The Combiner
This Starscream can also form the torso of a combiner and this is where this mold shines.. He has no official team that we’ve been informed of but pairing him with the Combaticons and Liokaiser are popular.
Just to be different – Menascream
I like the torso mode which has a strong movie-Starscream vibe. The biggest flaw here being the doors for the Enigma of Combination chamber which are very thin and easy to accidentally push into the body during transformation.
The clone two pack has finally arrived at Junkion HQ and they saved the best for last. (If, like me, you are not lucky enough to have found one in your local Walgreens store, you can order your own on their site.)
The second Decepticon beast is just as fun as the first.
The Robot
Not surprisingly, the new clones look pretty much the same in robot mode.
The Bird
The transformation on these are more satisfying than the first two clones since they include a few more steps. Wingspan’s arms have an extra little piece attached to the shoulder that links the wings to the body and locks everything into place. We can also finally see the reason for the second hinge int he robot hips since it is required for the transformation of the final two clones.
Here is Wingspan with his G1 self: shorter but better articulation.
Sadly, my G1 Wingspan can only be called “span” since he no longer has any wings but here they are together in beast mode anyways.
Evil Decepticon Span transforms into a vicious cyber-turkey
And with his updated pal Pounce, he’s the one on the… he’s one of these two.
They’re easier to tell apart in beast mode.
Titan/Prime Master Integration
You can put a Titan or Prime Master onto his back and finally recreate those Lord of the Rings scenes with Transformers like you know you’ve always wanted to.
Although his jet mode is no more convincing than the original, I still enjoy the air-based Autobot clone.
The Robot
Again, not a radical new look for the robot mode, as expected.
The Plane
Here is where all of the new comes in.
Titan/Prime Master Integration
Like Fastclash before him, Cloudraker includes a flip up panel on his chest that becomes a cockpit in alt mode.
This is a totally natural way to ride a jet
Sadly, my G1 Cloudraker has gone missing so here he is in robot mode with G1 Fastlane.
The clone look is really broken by the large spoiler and wheels on Fastclash’s shoulders.
Air and Land attack!
These are totally real vehicles!
Extra: Weapons
Thanks to ToyHax’s Black Friday sale I picked up several of their label and parts sets including the missing weapons for the Autobot clones. Fastclash’s weapons are included in ToyHax’s Chaos on Velocitron set and Cloudraker’s are in their own set.
Cloudraker’s weapons really work well with the jet mode and help give the “arms pointed backwards” fuselage a bit more purpose.
360 Degree Turnaround Videos
Along with the new year, I’m introducing a new feature 360 degree turnaround videos. With these you’ll be able to see front, back and side views of each figure in each mode.