Power of the Primes Swoop
Finally, my favorite Dinobot has been updated and is here at Junkion HQ!

The Card
Like previous lines, deluxes and above come with trading cards.

Unlike other lines, there are twelve different cards for each figure, one representing that character’s power when combined with each of the Prime Masters. My version of Swoop came with a card for Nexus Prime.

The Robot
My only complaint is that I would have preferred the red-chested Swoop as shown on the card based on my established preference for toy-inspired decos for toys based on toys I owned as a youth.

Bonus shot – Predacon wing mode, just what I was hoping for.

Armor mode – aka Swoop with a black box on his chest.

The Dinosaur
Swoop in Pteranodon mode.

Here he is perched upright.

And with the BFH mounted, which much make flying so much easier.

Prime Master Integration
Here is Vector Swoop, enhanced with the power to vectorize the enemy, or something, my card doesn’t say.

Prime Master Vector Prime in weapon mode which comes in handy since Swoop only comes with a sword.

With Slug
Swoop joins Slug in my growing PotP Dinobot collection.

Here they are together in dino mode.

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