Power of the Primes Slug

Finally, updated Dinobots have arrived at Junkion HQ!

Slug on card

Don’t call him by that old name, he’s the sensitive Dinobot

The Card

Like previous lines, deluxes and above come with trading cards.

Slug card

Unlike other lines, there are twelve different cards for each figure, one representing that character’s power when combined with each of the Prime Masters. My version of Slug came with a card for Amalgamous Prime.

Slug card back

The Robot

There’s no question that this is the Dinobot Sla… Slug.

Slug robot mode

The BFH posts into Slug’s lower jaw, I’m still not impressed with this feature.

Slug robot armor

The Dinosaur

Again, an instantly recognizable Dinobot!

Slug dino mode

The BFH works a little better in dino mode even though it lacks any real function. The spikes are nice though.

Slug dino mode bfh

Prime Master Integration

Here is Micronus Slag, an integration which empowers him to, uh, I don’t know. That was one of the 11 cards I didn’t get.

Slug robot mode Prime Master

Prime Master Micronus in weapon mode to give Slag some extra firepower.

Slug robot mode Prime Master

Just what we need, a more dangerous Dinobot.

Slug dino mode Prime Master

Next up… SWOOP!

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