After much waiting and anticipation the last two Tripplechangers from Titans Return have finally arrived at Junkion HQ.
I hate to say it, but I’m disappointed.
I enjoyed Laser Optimus Prime from Chaos On Velocitron so much that I purchased the original Diac & Optimus Prime to go with it.
I especially liked how the Rodimus Prime head looks on this mold.
But, right out of the box, Blitzwing and Octone both have mangled Decepticon badges. I was able to smooth out the one on Octone but Blitzwing’s was unrecoverable.
I don’t have the pre-mold Megatron version so I was really looking forward to Blitzwing but the stickers are just so poor that it sucks the fun out of the figure. I wasn’t happy with the stickers on Laser Optimus Prime’s trailer, but they’re mostly out of the way, especially in robot mode.
Another disappointment is that one of my Octone’s wings is extremely loose and rarely stays in place. The only good thing about this is that is that, while looking for more stable configurations, I stumbled on a fun Shockwave mode.
The good news here is for ToyHax who will probably be selling two more sets of labels to clean up my sad Tripplechangers very soon.