New Age Toys’ Legendary Heroes

This page is intended as an unofficial catalog of The Legendary Heroes line from New Age Toys*.

The Latest Updates

H23U Darius (jumps to details)
H35B Arges (jumps to details)
H63H Gorgo (jumps to details)
H66 Bombur (jumps to details)
H66S-BB (jumps to details)
H68 Bofur (jumps to details)
H68B Leprechaun (jumps to details)
H70 Oddball (jumps to details)
H70B Daskal (jumps to details)
H70S Shmulik (jumps to details)
Coloring Note: Red numbers indicate retail releases, blue numbers indicate Weibo exclusive figures, green numbers indicate convention exclusives, grey numbers indicate build-a-figure releases.

The Figures

276 numbered releases so far…
H1 Flipper (jumps to details)
H1G Gremlin (jumps to details)
H1K Critter (jumps to details)
H1T Flipper (jumps to details)
H2 Manero (jumps to details)
H2D Manero (jumps to details)
H2EX Manero (jumps to details)
H2G Capoeira (jumps to details)
H2P Cyclops (jumps to details)
H2P Vizla (jumps to details)
H2T Kagemusha (jumps to details)
H2V G2 Manero (jumps to details)
H3 Harry (jumps to details)
H3B Kitt (jumps to details)
H3EX Harry (jumps to details)
H3G Harry (jumps to details)
H3T Harry (jumps to details)
H4 Murphy (jumps to details)
H4G Black Rain (jumps to details)
H5 Maverick (jumps to details)
H3 Repaint Teaser (jumps to details)
H6 Max (jumps to details)
H6B Max V2 (jumps to details)
H6L Max (jumps to details)
H6P Max Ion Storm (jumps to details)
H7 McCoy (jumps to details)
H7B Riddick (jumps to details)
H7T McCoy (jumps to details)
H8 Miller (jumps to details)
H8Y Tata (jumps to details)
H9 Agamenmnon (jumps to details)
H9B TFCon Agamenmnon (jumps to details)
H9C Marvel Agamenmnon (jumps to details)
H9EX Hynkel (jumps to details)
H9 Fatal Scan 1 Agamemnon (jumps to details)
H9G Agamenmnon (jumps to details)
H9T Agamenmnon (jumps to details)
H9Z Agamenmnon (jumps to details)
H10 Abadon (jumps to details)
H10+ Abadon (jumps to details)
H10B Abadon (jumps to details)
H10P Abadon (jumps to details)
H10T Abadon (jumps to details)
H11 Berial (jumps to details)
H11+ Berial (jumps to details)
H11B Berial (jumps to details)
H11P Berial (jumps to details)
H11T Abadon (jumps to details)
H12 Asmodeus (jumps to details)
H12+ Asmodeus (jumps to details)
H12B Asmodeus (jumps to details)
H12P Asmodeus (jumps to details)
H12T Abadon (jumps to details)
H13 Lucifer (jumps to details)
H13B Michael (jumps to details)
H13C Lucifer (jumps to details)
H13D Hodur (jumps to details)
H13EX Lucifer (jumps to details)
H13L Lucifer (jumps to details)
H13 Ion Storm Lucifer (jumps to details)
H13T Lucifer (jumps to details)
H13Z Lucifer (jumps to details)
H14 Leviathan (jumps to details)
H14B Shazam (jumps to details)
H14C Leviathan (jumps to details)
H14P Leraje (jumps to details)
H14S Amy (jumps to details)
H15 (jumps to details)
H15C Samael (jumps to details)
H15G Lucifer (jumps to details) (jumps to details)
H15L Furfur (jumps to details)
H15R Icarus (jumps to details)
H16 (jumps to details)
H16G Fenrir (jumps to details)
H17 (jumps to details)
H18 (jumps to details)
H19 Hogan (jumps to details)
H19N Pizzeria (jumps to details)
H19T Hogan (jumps to details)
H20 William Bonney (jumps to details)
H20T William Bonney (jumps to details)
H21 Scaramanga (jumps to details)
H21B Dr. No (jumps to details)
H21EX Scaramanga (jumps to details)
H21G Scaramanga (jumps to details)
H21T Scaramanga (jumps to details)
H21W Karate Kid (jumps to details)
H22 Chimera (jumps to details)
H22 Chimera (jumps to details)
H22G Golden Eye (jumps to details)
H22 Chimera (jumps to details)
H23 Darius (jumps to details)
H23B Haraldr (jumps to details)
H23EX Darius (jumps to details)
H23M Darius (jumps to details)
H23P Darius (jumps to details)
H23T Darius (jumps to details)
H23U Darius (jumps to details)
H24 Macchio (jumps to details)
H25 Herbie (jumps to details)
H25B Nest (jumps to details)
H25G Herbie (jumps to details)
H25K Candyman (jumps to details)
H25T Herbie (jumps to details)
H25Z Herbie (jumps to details)
H26 Vanishing Point (jumps to details)
H26B Mirror Zombie (jumps to details)
H26G Vanishing Point (jumps to details)
H26T Bickle (jumps to details)
H26Tr Vanishing Point (jumps to details)
H26Z Vanishing Point (jumps to details)
H27 David (jumps to details)
H27C David (jumps to details)
H27B Famine (jumps to details)
H27C David (jumps to details)
H27D David (jumps to details)
H27EX David (jumps to details)
H27F David (jumps to details)
H27G David (jumps to details)
H27H David (jumps to details)
H27L David (jumps to details)
H27M David (jumps to details)
H27P Slaughter (jumps to details)
H27T David (jumps to details)
H27X Tromo (jumps to details)
H27Z David (jumps to details)
H28 Octavian (jumps to details)
H28EX Octavian (jumps to details)
H28EXR Rhodes (jumps to details)
H28G Lucullu (jumps to details)
H28R Octavian (jumps to details)
H28T Octavian (jumps to details)
H29 Raum (jumps to details)
H30 Vine (jumps to details)
H31 Crocell (jumps to details)
H32 Marbas (jumps to details)
H33 Berith (jumps to details)
H34 Paimon (jumps to details)
Toy (jumps to details)
H34P (jumps to details)
G2 (jumps to details)
Battle Damaged Version (jumps to details)
H35 Cyclops (jumps to details)
H35B Arges (jumps to details)
H35C Cyclops (jumps to details)
H35EX Cyclops (jumps to details)
H35M Cyclops (jumps to details)
H35T Cyclops (jumps to details)
H36 Hitcher (jumps to details)
H41 Jones (jumps to details)
H41B Bodhi (jumps to details)
H41D Jones (jumps to details)
H41G Jones (jumps to details)
H41T Jones (jumps to details)
H42 Shean (jumps to details)
H42B Lamont Cranston (jumps to details)
H42EX Shean (jumps to details)
H42EXR Shean (jumps to details)
H42G Shean (jumps to details)
H42T Shean (jumps to details)
H43 Tyr (jumps to details)
H43B Uriel (jumps to details)
H43EX Tyr (jumps to details)
H43T Tyr (jumps to details)
H43P Tyr (jumps to details)
H43V Umibozu (jumps to details)
H43W Toshiro (jumps to details)
H44 Ymir (jumps to details)
H44B Clover (jumps to details)
H44C Ymir (jumps to details)
H44EX Ymir (jumps to details)
H44H Blue Dragon (jumps to details)
H44T Ymir (jumps to details)
H44V Ymir (jumps to details)
H44Y Denver (jumps to details)
H44Z Ymir (jumps to details)
H45 Firefox (jumps to details)
H45B Strangelove (jumps to details)
H45EX Firefox (jumps to details)
H45EXR Firefox (jumps to details)
H45T Firefox (jumps to details)
H46 Backdraft (jumps to details)
H46B Wildfire (jumps to details)
H46EX Backdraft (jumps to details)
H46T Backdraft (jumps to details)
H46W Backdraft (jumps to details)
H47 Daedalus (jumps to details)
H47EX Daedalus (jumps to details)
H47G Daedalus (jumps to details)
H47P Sling Blade (jumps to details)
H47T Daedalus (jumps to details)
H48 Maschinenmensch (jumps to details)
H48C Christine (jumps to details)
H48G Pocahontas (jumps to details)
H48N Ninja Dickey (jumps to details)
H48S Sif (jumps to details)
H48T Maschinenmensch (jumps to details)
H49 Hammond (jumps to details)
H49B Caligari (jumps to details)
H49EX Hammond (jumps to details)
H49M Fantomas (jumps to details)
H50 Scott (jumps to details)
H50B Brainscan (jumps to details)
H50C Red Scorpion (jumps to details)
H50D Carnosaur (jumps to details)
H50EX Scott (jumps to details)
H51 Hawk (jumps to details)
H52 ER (jumps to details)
H52B Poison (jumps to details)
H53 Michael (jumps to details)
H53B Dagon (jumps to details)
H53D Michael (jumps to details)
H53EX Michael (jumps to details)
H53G Michael (jumps to details)
H53P Yog (jumps to details)
H53T Michael (jumps to details)
H53Z Michael (jumps to details)
H54 Frankenstein (jumps to details)
H55 Hughes (jumps to details)
H55B Goblin (jumps to details)
H55S Flying Worm (jumps to details)
H56 Rhedosaurus (jumps to details)
H56B Behemoth (jumps to details)
H56C Rhedosaurus (jumps to details)
H56EX Rhedosaurus (jumps to details)
H56H Blue Dragon (jumps to details)
H56T Rhedosaurus (jumps to details)
H56V Rhedosaurus (jumps to details)
H57 Freyr (jumps to details)
H57B Toruk (jumps to details)
H57C Freyr (jumps to details)
H57EX Freyr (jumps to details)
H57H Magic Scanning Freyr (jumps to details)
H57T Freyr (jumps to details)
H57V G2 Freyr (jumps to details)
H58 Balin (jumps to details)
H58B Roadgames (jumps to details)
H59 Dwalin (jumps to details)
H59B Sorcerer (jumps to details)
H60 Fili (jumps to details)
H60B Nightcrawler (jumps to details)
H60D Dalton (jumps to details)
H60W Mimic (jumps to details)
H61 Triton (jumps to details)
H61B Tekelili (jumps to details)
H61F Amsterdamned (jumps to details)
H61R Tremors (jumps to details)
H62 Louie (jumps to details)
H62B Blow out (jumps to details)
H62C Louie (jumps to details)
H62EX Louie (jumps to details)
H62H Hongtuo (jumps to details)
H62S Frequency (jumps to details)
H62T Louie (jumps to details)
H63 Gorgo (jumps to details)
H63B Nidhogg (jumps to details)
H63C Gorgo (jumps to details)
H63EX Gorgo (jumps to details)
H63H Gorgo (jumps to details)
H63T Gorgo (jumps to details)
H63V Gorgo G2 (jumps to details)
H64 Lincoln (jumps to details)
H65 Keaton (jumps to details)
H66 Bombur (jumps to details)
H66S-BB (jumps to details)
H67 Varan (jumps to details)
H67B Tremdrs (jumps to details)
H67C Varan (jumps to details)
H67EX Varan (jumps to details)
H67T Varan (jumps to details)
H67V-Varan (jumps to details)
H68 Bofur (jumps to details)
H68B Leprechaun (jumps to details)
H70 Oddball (jumps to details)
H70B Daskal (jumps to details)
H70S Shmulik (jumps to details)

Numbering Note: I’m using the Hx designations since that’s what they use in their promotions even though they don’t actually appear in that format on the final packaging. I’m also keeping the original announcement numbering for Martini Manero (H2EX) and G2 Manero (H2V). For the translucent version of Vanishing Point I’m using H26Tr as Bickle was announced as H26T first.

The Scenery

CS-A (jumps to details)
CS-B (jumps to details)
CS-C (jumps to details)
CS-D (jumps to details)
CS-D2 (jumps to details)

Get yours where I get mine: Show.Z Store.

The News Source

Get the news directly from the source – follow New Age Toys on Facebook or Weibo! Note: As of October 2023, New Age’s Weibo account has gone a bit wonky and is only showing their latest post to the public.

The Pack-In Catalogs

“Back in the day” the pack-in catalogs were very important – it was where most of us first saw the entire line. Inspired by Trailbreaker77 on the TFW2005 boards, I started putting together my own catalogs populated with New Age releases:


There are still some major Alliance omissions from this “first-year” catalog!

Pseudo-1984 catalog showing the equivalent NA releases.


The “second year” is even more of a work-in-progress with entire groupings absent.

Pseudo-1985 pack-in catalog

(Full-size 6,980 x 6,000 version – 10MB)


And my own variation to cover some of the alternative characters that have been released – done in 1984 style.

Multiverse Catalog

* The Company Name

There seems to be some confusion about what the actual name of the company is (at least on the part of their graphic designers). On all of the H1 packages and in their official logo (below) there is a space between “New” and “Age” but on newer packages and their social media accounts (Facebook, Weibo) there is no space. The packaging for Harry and Manero drop “Toys” from the name as well. I’m sticking with “New Age Toys” since that makes the most sense (especially considering that “Newage” keeps autocorrecting to “Sewage”!).

New Age Toys logo
Image by New Age Toys (via Facebook)