This page is intended as an unofficial catalog of The Legendary Heroes line from New Age Toys*.
The Latest Updates
Coloring Note: Red numbers indicate retail releases, blue numbers indicate Weibo exclusive figures, green numbers indicate convention exclusives, grey numbers indicate build-a-figure releases.The Figures
Numbering Note: I’m using the Hx designations since that’s what they use in their promotions even though they don’t actually appear in that format on the final packaging. I’m also keeping the original announcement numbering for Martini Manero (H2EX) and G2 Manero (H2V). For the translucent version of Vanishing Point I’m using H26Tr as Bickle was announced as H26T first.
The Scenery
Get yours where I get mine: Show.Z Store.
The News Source
Get the news directly from the source – follow New Age Toys on Facebook or Weibo! Note: As of October 2023, New Age’s Weibo account has gone a bit wonky and is only showing their latest post to the public.
The Pack-In Catalogs
“Back in the day” the pack-in catalogs were very important – it was where most of us first saw the entire line. Inspired by Trailbreaker77 on the TFW2005 boards, I started putting together my own catalogs populated with New Age releases:
There are still some major Alliance omissions from this “first-year” catalog!

The “second year” is even more of a work-in-progress with entire groupings absent.

(Full-size 6,980 x 6,000 version – 10MB)
And my own variation to cover some of the alternative characters that have been released – done in 1984 style.

* The Company Name
There seems to be some confusion about what the actual name of the company is (at least on the part of their graphic designers). On all of the H1 packages and in their official logo (below) there is a space between “New” and “Age” but on newer packages and their social media accounts (Facebook, Weibo) there is no space. The packaging for Harry and Manero drop “Toys” from the name as well. I’m sticking with “New Age Toys” since that makes the most sense (especially considering that “Newage” keeps autocorrecting to “Sewage”!).